Some parities of physical constants of vacuum Rykov A.V. In many appendices of physics the physical constants of vacuum are used: speed of light, dielectric and magnetic permeabilities. In the paper the formal table of ratioes of the indicated constants on basis of of laws of a Newton and Coulomb is constructed. It is supplemented by the formulas of connections of constants with constants of Plank, thin structure and speed of light and outside of direct relation to the laws of a Newton, Coulomb. It makes novelty in ratioes of physical constants of vacuum. The examples of the appendices of physics using a constants of the table are demonstrated. In physics the concepts of speed of light in vacuum, permittivity and permeability of vacuum are well known. Usually it is perceived as paradox of a choice of system of units. But it is completely clear, that these values are necessary, for example, in the laws Coulomb. To them we shall attach the law of Newton.
We have some formalism in record of the laws (1), using concepts of constants of gravitation, electricity and magnetism, which values are referred to vacuum. The following logic step - in modern physics is concept of physical vacuum (PV), which can be refereed to vacuum in sense of the formulas (1). Contra-indications to this logic step it is not found out. Let's act further again purely formally- we shall make the table 1, but at once in the most complete kind with the purpose of reduction of volume of paper. Table 1
In column 2 the variants of designations of sizes for macroworld, following line to the right are shown. The third column in lines 1-3 - is simply the formulas (1), and the variants of their combinations are lower -, that is all parameters 1 - 10 - are derivative of the laws of Newton and Coulomb. The 4 column represents the new formulas 3 and 5, made outside of the laws of Newton and Coulomb, but with use of constants of the microworld, which by virtue of logic of the uniform table also can be referred to parameters PV:
Gravitational constant in column 4 it is easy to receive from the well known formulas:
It is obvious that the connection of constant gravitation with structural and electrical constants well known in physics is received. Using experience of drawing up (2), it is easy to receive all other parities of a column 4. It is important to emphasize, that all formulas of the fourth column based on parameters of the microworld, with large accuracy and in the complete consent with dimensions answer accordingly to columns 5 and 7. The comments to the table are given below. The purpose - to show its physical sense within the framework of accessible. Most simply - speed of light in vacuum. There are no remarks to its existence in the table, except for one: if in column 3 it looks like an “ordinary” constant due to a way of its drawing up, in column 4 it dominates except for a constant 5. A constant 7 simply is next. It finds the place in radius of Schwarzschild:
It’s simply solved the problem with a unknown constant 5.
Photon energy for red border of “photoeffect” in PV here is given. Here It is easy to show, that the constant 10 enters into expression for definition of acceleration of force of mass for a body with mass М (
i.e. at presence of physical sense for a constant 4. Here table enters into a zone of hypotheses. Let's assume, that really there is an electrical charge of any mass, that is proportional to its value. This formula can be checked up with the help of definition of magnetic fields of planets of Solar system. If the planets have an electrical charge of the sphere of a planet, knowing speed of its rotation, it is possible to estimate a magnetic field of a planet on its axis of rotation under the formula
where The data of account and their comparison with experimental data [1, Ксанфомалити Л.В] are shown in table 2.
The table shows an ambiguous picture. For example, for the Earth, Jupiter, Uranium, Moon and Venus values lays practically within the limits of deviations in 2 times, the worst comparison turns out (in 100 - 10 - 7 times) accordingly for a Mars, Saturn and Mercury. If at interpretation of these results to take into account other probable sources of a magnetic field (“ magnetic dinamo”, solar wind etc.), for the majority of planets the result is rather optimistical from the point of view of concurrence of accounts and given observations. The Earth, for which the magnetic observations to be carried out not for one century as against other planets, even more emphasizes the importance of comparison. Certainly, it is impossible to exclude and simple concurrence, which in physics plenty . The example of a Venus with a period of rotation 243 24-hours and Earth with a period of rotation almost 24 hours is characteristic. The magnetic fields of these planets precisely follow the law of dependence from speed of rotation: slow rotation of a Venus - small field, fast rotation of the Earth - large field. At once there can be questions on polarity of a charge and their interactions among set of gravitating objects. On the first question on a mark of a charge an orientation of a magnetic field of the Earth and direction of its rotation give the unequivocal answer - Earth has a negative electrical charge. The second question on volume and on tasks leaves for frameworks of given clause and is discussed in [2, Рыков А.В.]. To constant Let's take the relation gravitational alfa to electrical alfa In a nature there is a minimal mass equal to the electron mass. Its gravitational electrical charge is equal REFERENCES 1. Ksanfomaliti L.V. Own magnetic fields of planets and companions // the Astronomical bulletin, 1998, volume 32, № 1, С.37-48. 2. A.V.Rykov. Model of interactions in a Nature (edition second, advanced and complemented) // UIPE RAS, М., 1999, 68 p.
(c) A.V.Rykov 1998-2000 |